Land for sale
Avonbridge, Falkirk, Stirling and Falkirk, FK1 2HN
Guide Price
Residential Tags: N/A
Property Tags: N/A
Land Tags: Commercial Woodland, Woodland
Summary Details
- First Marketed: Sep 2021
- Removed: Dec 2021
- Residential Tags: N/A
- Property Tags: N/A
- Land Tags: Commercial Woodland, Woodland
Closing Date set for Thursday 2 December 2021 at 12.00noon.
For full details please request a copy of the brochure.
Location and Directions
Travelling on the M9, leave at junction 4 (signposted for Bathgate/Livingston/A801) and at the roundabout take the A801 exit and follow for approximately two miles until the next roundabout. At this roundabout, take the third exit onto B825 and follow for approximately one mile before passing through the small village of Standburn. The Property is located approximately 500m to the west of Standburn, on either side of the public road.
Prospective purchasers are advised to arrange site visits with the Sales Agent in order to gain access to the carpark at grid reference NS 925 743 (Point C on sales plan), where access can be taken on foot to both Lots. Particular care should be taken when crossing the public road.
Extending to 35.40 hectares, Gateside is a mid-rotation, mixed woodland displaying good growth rates amongst the conifer crops and offers real potential as a mixed-use commercial forest. Ranging from 155m to 180m above sea level, Gateside is located on reasonably productive soils, well suited to the growth of both conifers and broadleaf species.
Taken as a whole, Sitka spruce intimately mixed with a small element of larch accounts for 24% of the total area (8.36 ha) and Scots pine intimately mixed with oak accounts for 10% (3.49 ha). Broadleaf species account for approximately 32% of the total area and include birch, oak, ash and sycamore. Gateside is offered as a Whole or in two Lots, both comparable in size and species distribution, separated by the public road. The woodlands are in an area with a rich mining history, and both lots have features related to historic mining activities.
There are no active grant schemes in place or replanting obligations. Further information on the Scottish Rural Development Programme and grant scheme availability can be accessed through the following websites:
A sub-compartment map is available on request from the Selling Agent along with a compartment schedule detailing species, areas and planting years.
Lot 1 – Gateside Northwest (17.22 ha)
Lot 1 is situated to the north of the public road (B825), with an existing barrier gate at grid reference NS 925 744 (Point A on the sales plan), and a pedestrian access at NS 924 743 (Point B on the sales plan), although no formal access tracks exists within the woodland. The ground is gently sloping with a south-facing aspect and is situated on generally good soils, which are reflected in the growth rates of the trees.
Three discrete areas of Sitka spruce intimately mixed with a small element of larch are situated to the north accounting for 24% (4.07 ha) of Lot 1, while attractive mosaics of broadleaves (4.94 ha) and a Scots pine/oak mixture (2.48 ha) make up the rest of the stocked area. Subject to obtaining the relevant permissions and formalising the internal access, there is an opportunity to generate immediate from thinning the conifer areas.
Lot 2 – Gateside Southeast (18.18 ha)
Lot 2 is situated to the south of the public road (B825), with an existing gated entrance at grid reference NS 925 743 (Point C on sales plan), with a parking area and a short section of track extending southeast into the woodland. A further barrier gate entrance is located to the south below the powerline at grid reference NS 924 742 (Point D) on the sales plan). This Lot also benefits from gently sloping topography with a south-easterly aspect and soils well suited to the growth of both commercial and native woodlands.
There are two discrete areas of Sitka spruce intimately mixed with a small element of larch situated to the east and one to the west which together account for 24% (4.29 ha) of Lot 2. Broadleaves (6.48 ha) and a Scots pine/oak mixture (1.01 ha) make up the rest of the stocked area. There is an opportunity to generate immediate income by way of thinning in the conifer areas (subject to obtaining the relevant permissions).
Sporting rights are unlet and included in the sale for all Lots.
Mineral rights are not included and are reserved to National Coal Board for both Lots. Please note there are archaeological features and historic mineshafts, details of which can be obtained from the Selling Agents.
Gateside is bounded by stock fences, which are maintained to stockproof standard where adjoining grazed land, with maintenance assumed to be on an equal mutual basis. The fences around the property may not be located on the boundary of the registered title. Where these are set back within the title to be sold, warrandice will not be granted over any unfenced areas.
Third-Party Rights and Burdens
The Property will be sold subject to and with the benefit of all servitude rights, burdens, reservations and any other third-party rights howsoever constituted. A number of utility wayleaves exist across both Lots. There is a servitude right in favour of Scottish Gas pertaining to a gas mains pipe and associated rights for maintenance works. A servitude right exists in favour of Scottish Power pertaining to overhead electricity pylon lines. Please contact the Selling Agents to access utilities plan.
Title Information
Please contact the Selling Agents to access Title information on the Property. The Title is registered, and the Property will be sold as per the Title. There are no forestry related grants, felling licences or replanting obligations associated with this forest.
Viewing and Closing Date
Viewing is strictly by appointment with the Selling Agents. It is anticipated that a closing date for best offers will be set in due course, but the Seller reserves the right to sell without setting a formal closing date. The Seller will not be bound to accept the highest or indeed any offer.
Potential purchasers are advised to formally register their interest, in order that they may be informed if a closing date for offers is set.
Purchasers are advised to satisfy themselves as to all servitudes and historical mining considerations before instructing their solicitor to submit a Letter of Intent, acceptable in Scottish Law, detailing the price, date of entry and any conditions, which they are required to attach to their offer. The solicitors acting on behalf of the seller will then issue an offer to sell to the successful bidder.
Please note all signage and movable equipment is excluded from the sale and the seller reserves the right to remove.
Please ensure good forest hygiene measures are followed, such as cleaning boots, equipment, vehicles and machinery, which will help protect woodlands from potentially damaging pests and diseases.
Prospective Purchasers and Financial Resources
Any offer by prospective purchaser(s), regardless of where they are ordinarily resident must be accompanied by a guarantee from a banker who is acceptable to the Seller. Any offer by prospective purchaser(s) that is to be reliant on finance must also be accompanied by supporting documents acceptable to the Seller.
Anti-Money Laundering Regulations
Prospective purchasers will be required to produce identification sufficient to satisfy anti-money laundering regulations and checks against the intended purchaser or nominee together with other documentation that may be required, from time to time, in order to support any conditional offers submitted to the Seller. Bidwells LLP accepts no liability of any type arising from your delay or other lack of co-operation. We may hold your name on our database unless you instruct us otherwise.
Selling Agent
Tim Barratt
Broxden House
Lamberkine Drive
Tel: 01738 630666
Mob: 07912 242300
Forest Authorities
Scottish Forestry
Central Scotland Conservancy
Bothwell House
Hamilton Business Park, Caird Park
Tel: 0300 067 6006
Local Authorities
Falkirk Council
Municipal Buildings
West Bridge Street
Tel: 01324 506070
Agent’s Note
Bidwells LLP acting for themselves and for the vendors of this Property, whose agents they are, give notice that: Nothing contained in these particulars or their contents or actions, both verbally or in writing, by Bidwells LLP form any offer or contract, liability or implied obligation to any applicants, viewing parties or prospective purchasers of the Property to the fullest extent permitted by law and should not be relied upon as statements or representative of fact. No person in the employment of Bidwells LLP or any joint agents has authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this Property. Any areas of measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only, may not be to scale and are not necessarily comprehensive. Any photographs displayed in these particulars depict only part of the Property and it should not be assumed that any items seen therein are included in the sale, or that the Property remains as displayed in the photographs. No assumptions should be made regarding other parts of the Property that have not been photographed. No assumptions should be made that the Property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents. Bidwells LLP has not carried out a survey, nor tested the services, appliances or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. Where applicable all rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. Should there be any discrepancy between these particulars and the Missives of Sale, the latter shall prevail. OS licence no. ES 100017734. © Copyright Bidwells LLP 2017. Bidwells LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number OC 344553). Registered office is Bidwell House, Trumpington Road, Cambridge CB2 9LD where a list of members is available for inspection. Your statutory rights are not affected by this notice.
Sales Particulars prepared August 2021. Photographs taken July 2021.
Marketed by: Bidwells, Perth
Land Registry Data
- No historical data found.