Land for sale
Gattonside, Melrose, Roxburghshire, TD6 9LZ
Guide Price
Residential Tags: N/A
Property Tags: Development Potential
Land Tags: Arable Land
Summary Details
- First Marketed: Aug 2021
- Removed: Date Not Available
- Residential Tags: N/A
- Property Tags: Development Potential
- Land Tags: Arable Land
Lot 3 - Extending to 3.12 Ha (7.71 Ac)
General Description
The land at Gattonside is a productive block of bare arable land situated on the edge of the village of Gattonside which is approximately 1 mile directly north of Melrose on the opposite side of the river Tweed and approximately 4 miles east of the town of Galashiels.
The land lies between 83 and 92 meters above sea level and is classified as Grade 3(1) with soils comprising of alluvial and yarrow (brown) soils. Being situated adjacent to the village it is considered that these parcels may have significant long term residential development potential subject to obtaining the necessary planning consents.
Existing Rights, Servitudes & Wayleaves
The subjects are sold together with, and subject to, all existing rights of way, servitudes, wayleaves and others whether contained in the Title Deeds or otherwise, and purchasers will be deemed to have. There is a waste water pipe running down the inside of the eastern boundary of lot 1. The private access road leading from the public road Hoebridge Road East to the entrance of Lot 3 is subject to third party access rights with maintenance, repair and renewal on a user basis.
Sporting, Mineral & Timber
All sporting and mineral rights are included in the sale insofar as they are owned by the seller. All standing and fallen timber is also included in the sale.
The property does not have any mains connections, however, these are all thought to be very close at hand should a purchaser require a supply for any purpose.
Ingoing Valuation
The purchaser(s) of the land at Gattonside shall, in addition to the purchase price, be obliged to take over and pay for all cultivations and growing crops on a seed, labour, lime, fertiliser, sprays and machinery basis with an increment representing the enhanced value of the establishment and age of such crops, at a valuation to be agreed by a mutually appointed valuer(s).
Basic Payment Scheme
The whole property has been registered with Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Division who have allocated a holding and parcel numbers. All of the parcels are designated as Region 1. The owner has claimed the Basic Payment Scheme for 2021 over the eligible land and will retain any payments due in respect of the scheme. The owner holds and owns the associated entitlements which are available to purchase by separate negotiation.
The whole property can be easily accessed directly from an unclassified local authority adopted public road from the main B6360 which runs through Gattonside village.
Potential purchasers are welcome to view the property whilst in possession of a copy of these sales particulars and having first made an appointment with the sole selling agents, Bell Rural Solutions. Appropriate caution should be exercised at all times during inspection.
Method of Sale
The land at Gattonside is offered for sale as a whole or as 3 separate parcels as required, freehold with vacant possession. The current owner would be willing to continue farming the land for an investor purchaser, if required, on mutually agreeable terms.
Date of Entry
The date of entry will be upon conclusion of the sales missives or by prior agreement.
Closing Date & Offers
A closing date for offers may be set, therefore prospective purchasers should formally note their interest with the selling agents. Offers should be submitted in Scottish Legal Form to the selling agents, Bell Rural Solutions, Leader House, Mill Road, Earlston, TD4 6DG. Our client is not bound to accept the highest or any offer and has the right to remove the property from sale at any time.
Mortgage Finance
Bell Rural Solutions are approved Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (AMC) agents, and can help with obtaining loan funding for a variety of rural business activities, including the purchase of land and property. For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Marketed by: Bell Rural Solutions, Earlston
Land Registry Data
- No historical data found.