Land for sale

Cannington, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 2LD

Guide Price


  • First Marketed: Nov 2021
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • 0.887 acres

Residential Tags: N/A

Property Tags: Sale By Auction

Land Tags: Paddock

Summary Details

  • First Marketed: Nov 2021
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • Residential Tags: N/A
  • Property Tags: Sale By Auction
  • Land Tags: Paddock
The land consists of a parcel of land extending to approximately one acre with ranges of dilapidated agricultural buildings.


The buildings were constructed many years ago mainly as pig housing but more recently in use for agricultural storage. The property has potential for a variety of uses, subject to gaining any necessary consents.


Located in open countryside about half a mile south of the village of Cannington and access by right of way from the A39 Cannington Bypass road.

Method of Sale

The property is being offered by Online Auction on Thursday 25th November 2021 with bidding starting from 8:00am to TBC. Unless sold prior to auction.


Completion has been set for 20th December 2021 or earlier by arrangement.


Tamlyns requires all bidders who wish to bid at our Auction to register online beforehand. A commitment to a fixed Bidder's Registration Fee of £3,000 including VAT must be confirmed on registration, comprising of £2,100 contribution towards the deposit plus the Auctioneer's Buyer's Administration Charge of £900 (£750 + VAT). The Registration Fee is retained by Tamlyns at the fall of the electronic gavel if a bidder is successful. The fee will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders.

To register online to bid for this property please visit;

Money Laundering

As part of the Online Registration process before prior approval to bid will be granted, in order to fulfil responsibilities under the current Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, all prospective bidders will be asked to provide proof of identity. Acceptable documents include: Passport, Driving Licence or Birth Certificate (at least one photo ID) as well as Council Tax or utility bills. Further guidance will be provided at Online Registration.


On conclusion of the auction, Tamlyns will invoice the successful bidder within 24 hours of the fall of the electronic gavel. A deposit of 10% of the purchase price, less the £2,100 deposit contribution taken at Online Registration.


Ian Parker
Ash Clifford
14 Northgate
Somerset, TA6 3EU


We are not aware that the land is connected to any mains services. Potential purchasers are advised to make their own enquires as to the availability of services.

Stewardship Agreements

The land and property is not currently entered into any form of Stewardship or management agreement.

Wayleaves, Easements & Rights of Way

The property is sold with the benefit of a right of way crossing over an adjacent trackway from the A39 road to the paddock entrance gate. A public footpath runs through the property sold.

The property is sold subject to any other Rights of Way, Wayleaves, Rights or Easements which exist at the time of sale whether they are mentioned in these particulars or not.

Sale Plan

Please Note the sale plan showing the property sold coloured red (0.887 acres) and blue (0.123 acres).

The area coloured red is sold with vacant possession in its existing state and condition, to include all items on the land or in the buildings at completion.

The land marked blue is part of the freehold title but forms as part of the Cannington Flood Relief Scheme where construction was undertaken by the Environment Agency under compulsory powers and is fenced from the main paddock.


The property may be viewed, on foot only at any reasonable time. The Selling Agents will be pleased to meet any interested parties on site by prior arranged appointment by calling us directly.


Legal Pack

A Legal Pack will be available to view online. Alternatively, they can be obtained from the vendor's solicitors, for which there maybe be a charge. Potential purchasers are deemed to have made all necessary enquires and purchase with full knowledge of the contact of the Legal Pack.


Head out of Bridgwater on the A39 (towards Minehead) for approximately 3 miles. At the roundabout just before Cannington take the first exit (left), after 150 metres the rebated access gate leading to the right of way entrance will be found on the left hand side.

Marketed by: Tamlyns, Bridgwater

Land Registry Data

  • No historical data found.
Layer Details