Rowan Cottage - Lot 2

Ceres, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5LD

Guide Price


  • First Marketed: Sep 2022
  • Removed: Jan 2023
  • 3.99 acres

Residential Tags: N/A

Property Tags: Poly Tunnel

Land Tags: Paddock

Summary Details

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  • First Marketed: Sep 2022
  • Removed: Jan 2023
  • Residential Tags: N/A
  • Property Tags: Poly Tunnel
  • Land Tags: Paddock
*** CLOSING DATE Thursday 15th December at 12 noon ***

Adjacent to Rowan Cottage is a well fenced paddock extending to circa 3.99 acres. The paddock has recently been planted with sapling trees but offers considerable potential and is understood to have been previously used to train greyhounds. There is a timber shed.


Lot 1: House, Former Kennel Outbuilding, Polytunnel, Shed and Garden (0.18 acres) O/O £299k

Lot 2: Adjacent Paddock (3.99 acres) O/O £50k


Offers should be submitted in Scottish Legal Form to the selling agents Rettie & Co at 28 Bell Street, St Andrews KY16 9UX.

Servitude Rights, Burdens & Wayleaves

The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all servitude rights, burdens, reservations and wayleaves including rights of access and rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cable, drains and water, gas and other pipes whether contained in the title deeds or informally constituted and whether or not referred to above.

Particulars and Plans

These particulars and plan are believed to be correct, but they are in no way guaranteed. Any error, omission or misstatement shall not annul the sale or entitle any party to compensation nor in any circumstances give grounds for action at law.

The photographs in this brochure date from September 2022.

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This property and other properties offered by Rettie & Co can be viewed on our website at as well as our affiliated websites at and addition, our social media platforms are, RettieTownandCountry,, RettieandCo, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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Under the HMRC Anti Money Laundering legislation all offers to purchase a property on a cash basis or subject to mortgage require evidence of source of funds. This may include evidence of bank statements/funding source, mortgage or confirmation from a solicitor the purchaser has the funds to conclude the transaction. All individuals involved in the transaction are required to produce proof of identity and proof of address. This is acceptable either as original or certified documents.


1. The property is sold with all faults and defects, whether of condition or otherwise and neither the seller nor Rettie & Co, the selling agent, are responsible for such faults and defects, nor for any statement contained in the particulars of the property prepared by the said agent.

2. The Purchaser(s) shall be deemed to acknowledge that he has not entered into contact in reliance on the said statements, that he has satisfied himself as to the content of each of the said statements by inspection or otherwise and that no warranty or representation has been made by the seller or the said agents in relation to or in connection with the property.

3. Any error, omission or misstatement in any of the said statements shall not entitle the purchaser(s) to rescind or to be discharged from this contract, nor entitle either party to compensation or damages nor in any circumstances to give either party any cause for action.

Important Notice

Rettie & Co, their clients and any joint agents give notice that:

1. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either in writing or by word of mouth. Any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents or the sellers. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact.

2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive and it should not be assumed that the property remains as photographed. Any error, omission or misstatement shall not annul the sale, or entitle any party to compensation or recourse to action at law. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents, including for its current use. Rettie & Co. have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise and ought to seek their own professional advice.

3. All descriptions or references to condition are given in good faith only. Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure accuracy, please check with us on any points of especial importance to you, especially if intending to travel some distance. No responsibility can be accepted for expenses incurred in inspecting properties which have been sold or withdrawn.

EPC Rating: D
Council Tax Band: NA

Marketed by: Rettie & Co, St.Andrews

Land Registry Data

  • No historical data found.
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