Land at Great Cansiron Farm - Lot 1

Holtye, East Sussex, TN87ED

Guide Price


  • First Marketed: Sep 2023
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • 476.05 acres

Residential Tags: N/A

Property Tags: Grain Storage

Land Tags: Arable Land, Contract Farm, Pasture Land, Permanent Pasture, Woodland

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  • First Marketed: Sep 2023
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • Residential Tags: N/A
  • Property Tags: Grain Storage
  • Land Tags: Arable Land, Contract Farm, Pasture Land, Permanent Pasture, Woodland

Lot 1 - Approximately 476.05 acres
Great Cansiron Farm is a productive arable farm with 800 tonnes of grain storage and on-floor drying facilities. In addition there are amenity areas of grassland and woodland. The land is located within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

We are instructed to offer the farm for sale as a whole or in lots. The lots are as shown on the sales plan:

Lot 1 (Land Shaded Red) - Consists of approximately 476.05 acres including the grain store (380.36 ac arable, 23.05 ac pasture, 67.65 ac woodland, 4.99ac grain store/misc).
Guide Price - £3,900,000

Great Cansiron Farm is located in a semi-rural position in the hamlet of Hammerwood, in the High Weald AONB on the East Sussex, Kent and Surrey border with the Ashdown Forest being located approximately 6.9 miles to the south. The villages of Cowden (1.2 miles north), Hartfield (3.4 miles southeast) and Forest Row (5.5 miles southwest) offer local amenities including shops and restaurants. The towns of East Grinstead (4.9 miles), Edenbridge (6.3 miles) and Tunbridge Wells (8 miles) offer an extensive range of amenities and mainline stations.

Great Cansiron Farm is a productive arable farm extending to approximately 476.05 acres with agricultural buildings, woodland and grassland. The land is separated into three blocks of land by Butcherfield Lane and a private track, both leading from the A264.

The arable land at Great Cansiron Farm extends to approximately 380.36 acres of predominantly Grade 3 land under the MAFF Provisional Agricultural Land Classification. In addition, there is approximately 23.05 acres of pasture and 67.65 acres of woodland. The Soil Survey of England and Wales records the soils as being slightly acid loamy and clayey soils with impeded drainage, most suited to autumn sown crops and grassland. The most northern and southern parts of the land are mainly Grade 3. The woodland and poorer grassland at the centre of the farm is recorded as Grade 4.

The property is currently managed in hand under a contract farming agreement and has been farmed under a conventional combinable cropping rotation. The majority of the field parcels are large and easily worked, most with direct access onto a public highway or a hard track. The permanent pasture at the farm extends to approximately 23.05 acres. To the north is a small area of grassland used as a driving range, the other small areas of grassland that are not suitable for combinable cropping, the majority of these field parcels have been incorporated into the Countryside Stewardship options under GS2 – Low Input Grassland.
The fields are mainly enclosed by mature hedgerows and trees and benefit from a good network of access points. There is a mixture of topography over the farm with the majority forming rolling hills and small pockets of woodland.

The woodland extends to approximately 67.65 acres and is classified as ancient and semi-natural. The woodland is commercially managed and is subject to a Woodland Management Plan. There are two ponds located in the woodland parcels.

Farm Buildings
The farm has one grain store building located to the north of the holding with easy access directly from the main A264. The grain store was built in 2015 and finished to a high standard. The store has a total capacity of 800 tonnes and an approximate floor area of 4090 sqft (380 sqm). The building has a wooden grain drying floor with a built-in fan house and a gas powered grain drying system.

Country Stewardship
The land is entered into Countryside Stewardship under a Mid Tier agreement. The current agreement expires on 31 December 2027. The purchaser will be obliged to take on this agreement with the agreement being transferred from the vendor to the purchaser upon completion. The agreement will be transferred in whole or part depending on the lotting. All payments for the 2023 scheme year will be retained by the vendor.
Full details of the agreement are available on request from the selling agent.

The farm is located in the High Weald AONB. Field parcel 7926 is classified as a Scheduled Monument known as Far Blacklands Romano-British Iron Bloomery. The land also adjoins a second Scheduled Monument, a former Roman Road, located to the north of the property, which is not owned.

Registered Title
The property is registered under Title Number ESX355669.

Marketed by: Batcheller Monkhouse, Tunbridge Wells

Land Registry Data

  • No historical data found.
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