Development Opportunity on Barn Lane

Barn Lane, St. Columb, Cornwall, TR9 6FQ

Guide Price


  • First Marketed: Apr 2022
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • 2.2 acres

Residential Tags: Grade II

Property Tags: Development Potential, Section 106

Land Tags: Building Plot

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  • First Marketed: Apr 2022
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • Residential Tags: Grade II
  • Property Tags: Development Potential, Section 106
  • Land Tags: Building Plot

One of the last parcels of land to be developed within the built-up residential environs of the town.

Outline planning consent recently granted for the proposed construction of up to 10 dwellinghouses.

A rare opportunity in this convenient Mid-Cornwall location with easy access to the A30.

General Remarks And Location - This land is a single field at the end of Barn Lane, a cul-de-sac which originally led through to Barn Barton before the advent of the realigned A39 and which now directly adjoins.

It is a triangular shaped enclosure which is bounded by mature hedges and extends in total to approximately 0.9 of a hectare (2.2 acres). Outline planning consent has been granted for residential development with a proposal of up to 10 dwellings.

St Columb Major is an ancient town, full of character, with traditional narrow streets at its centre where the Conservation area boasts a number of interesting buildings of which many are Grade II listed.

The town has a number of shops for day-to day needs,a doctors surgery, pubs, a primary school, and vets practice as well as a number of commercial enterprises on the established business parks and industrial estate located to the south and west. The A39 passes alongside the town and within a couple of miles this links with the A30 giving easy access to all parts of the county.

The town is just a few minutes drive from the airport at St Mawgan where there are regular flights to London and also overseas. The north cornish coast is also easily accessible, Newquay is just 7 miles distant and with many fine beaches such as Mawgan Porth, Watergate Bay and Porthcothnan in reasonable proximity.

Planning - Conditional Planning Consent was granted by Cornwall Council (Application reference PA21/01247) on the 5th April 2022 for "outline planning permission with some matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) reserved for the proposed construction of up to 10 dwellinghouses".
The conditions are as follows:
1. Details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, (hereinafter called the reserved matters) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any development begins and the development shall be carried out as approved.
2. An application for approval of reserved matters must be made no later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this decision and the development hereby approved shall commence no later than 2 years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved.
3. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed under the heading "Plans referred to in Consideration of this Application".
4. The combined gross floor space of all dwellings subject of this permission shall not exceed 1000 square metres.
5. No development or construction work including deliveries of plant or materials; use of machinery or power tools on site shall take place other than between 08.00 to 180.00 hrs Monday to Friday; 08.00 to 12.00 (noon) on Saturday and no workings on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
6. No development shall commence on the site subject of this permission until a detailed Construction Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which includes the following information:
o Details how noise and dust will be controlled. The controls put in place must be based on the advice contained within BS 5228 The control of noise and vibration from construction and open sites Part 1 Noise and Part 2 Vibration and the IAQM document entitled Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction;
o Area within the site identified for vehicle parking for contractors and visitors;
o Location of delivery parking and unloading for construction materials;
o Location of construction compound including position of portable office(s) and rest room and toiplets'
o Location of materials storage areas;
o Details for wheel washing for any vehicle leaving the site to ensure that mud and debris are not tracked onto the adjacent highway'
o Construction-phase traffic management plan;
o Details of all permits , contingency plans and mitigation measures that need to be put in place to control the risk of pollution to controlled waters, protect biodiversity and avoid, minimise and manage the productions of wastes with particular attention being paid to the constraints and risks of the site. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and any subsequent amendments shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
7. No dwellings shall be occupied until the estate roads carriageways and footways to be constructed in association with the development hereby permitted shall be laid out and constructed in accordance with the Local Planning Authority's specification for housing estate roads, including street lighting, except for the application of the final wearing course, over such lengths as are necessary to provide access from a Public Road to that particular dwelling.
8. The surface water drainage system shall be in accordance with the Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy by Engineering and Development Solutions Ltd, Ref J-1726-Rev.01, dated 8th June 2021. No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until the following details are provided and approved in writing by the LLFA:
1). A detailed descriptions of the finalised foul and surface water drainage systems operation;
2). Details of the finalised surface water drainage scheme including general arrangements, construction details, layouts, sections and calculations;
3). Ground investigation information;
4). Groundwater monitoring data;
5). A plan indicating the provisions for exceedence pathways, overland flow routes and proposed detention features;
6). A Construction Environment Management Plan;
7). A Construction Surface Water Management Plan;
8). A Construction Quality Control Plan;
9). A timetable or construction programme including phasing and implementation of the drainage system;

10). Confirmation of who will maintain the drainage systems and a plan for the future maintenance and management, including responsibilities for the drainage systems and any overland routes.
The Developer must inform the Local Planning Authority of any variation from the details provided and agree these in writing before such variations are undertaken.
The surface water drainage systems shall fully manage surface water flows resulting from the developed site up to 1 in 100 year peak rainfall event plus a minimum allowance of 40% for the impact of climate change. A factor of safety 0f 5 shall be used in the calculations for infiltration and attenuation systems.
Attenuation systems shall include flow control devices with apertures of not less than 75mm in diameter in order to minimise the risk of blockage by debris and detritus. Should the flow restriction stated in the Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy not be achievable with the flow control device stated in the calculations, the developer should provide a design the lowest possible discharge flow rate whilst providing a minimum 75mm diameter flow control aperture.
Environment Agency mapping information states that the site is located within an area susceptible to groundwater flooding from superficial deposits. As infiltration drainage features, such as soakaways etc are proposed as a method of surface water disposal groundwater monitoring should be undertaken to establish if groundwater is present on site.
Monitoring should ideally be undertaken for a full 12-month period, but this period can be reduced at the discretion of the LLFA to the period from the end October to the end of May. Groundwater must not rise to with 1m of the base of the infiltration system in order to comply with the guidance set out in BRE365. Monitoring must be undertaken within 3m of the proposed location of the drainage feature and a a depth of no less than 1.5m below the base depth of the proposed soakaway/drainage feature. At least one result for each monitoring borehole for each month of the monitoring period must be collected. These results must be provided to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and the LLFA to support the planning submission when it is made.
The LLFA can and will refuse to accept a surface water drainage design in an area identified on the EA mapping bas at risk of grpundwater flooding unless the requisite number of monitoring results are provided. In complete or poor quality data will be rejected.
The LLFA does not support deferring the completion of groundwater monitoring until after planning consent has been granted. This will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
The Approved scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the construction timetable, to be agreed and the scheme shall be managed and maintained in accordance with the details stated in the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy for thew lifetime of the development.
Details of the maintenance schedule shall be recorded and kept up to date and should be made available to the Local Planning Authority within 28 days of the receipt of a written request.
9. The development subject of this permission shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations contained within the submitted Preliminary Ecological Appraisal' has been submitted by Wheal Grey Ecology Ltd |(March 2021). All conclusions and recommendations to be completed before occupation of the penultimate dwelling hereby approved.
10. Any contamination that is found during the course of construction of the approved development that was not previously identified shall be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. Development on the part of the site affected shall be suspended and a risk assessment carried out and submitted to and approved in writing by the |Local Planning Authority. Where unacceptable risks are found remediation and verification schemes shall be submiuied to and approved inm writing by the Local Planning Authority. These approved schemes shall be carried out before the development (or relevant phase of development) is resumed or continued.
11.The submission of reserved matters should follow the recommendations contained within the submitted "Inacoustic noise assessment (dated 24th August 2021, project number 21-218)" to inform the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development subject of this outline planning submission.

A full copy of the planning decision is available for the Agents if required.

Section 106 Agreement - It is agreed that an "Off Site Public Open Space Contribution" will be payable to the Council prior to the occupation of the first or any subsequent dwelling by the Developer. Full contract terms are available from the agents.

Services - Mains water and electricity are believed to be available but applicants must contact the appropriate service providers to obtain quotes for connection. Mains drainage is also available and a pipeline serving the adjacent development has recently been installed through the land and facilitates easy connection.

Viewing - Strictly by Appointment through the Agents Philip Martin, 9 Cathedral Lane, Truro, TR1 2QS. Telephone:[use Contact Agent Button] or 3 Quayside Arcade, St. Mawes, Truro TR2 5DT. Telephone[use Contact Agent Button].

Directions - Take the turning off from the A39 into St Columb at the Trekenning Roundabout. On entering the town take the right hand turning signposted Barn Lane and continue to the bottom of the road. The land will be easily located on the left hand side.

Data Protection - We treat all data confidentially and with the utmost care and respect. If you do not wish your personal details to be used by us for any specific purpose, then you can unsubscribe or change your communication preferences and contact methods at any time by informing us either by email or in writing at our offices in Truro or St Mawes.

Marketed by: Philip Martin, Truro

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  • No historical data found.
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