Land for sale

Eddleston, Peebles, Tweeddale, EH45 8QR

Guide Price


  • First Marketed: Jun 2021
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • 3.34 acres

Residential Tags: N/A

Property Tags: N/A

Land Tags: Fishing Rights and Lakes, Pasture Land

Summary Details

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  • First Marketed: Jun 2021
  • Removed: Date Not Available
  • Residential Tags: N/A
  • Property Tags: N/A
  • Land Tags: Fishing Rights and Lakes, Pasture Land

Key features:

  • First class residential development site with Planning Permission in Principle for up to 15 houses.
  • Planning Permission in Principle and Section 75 Agreement.
  • Site is located in Eddleston, a popular Peeblesshire conservation village.
  • Approximately 20 miles from Edinburgh
  • For sale as a whole by private treaty

Eddleston (population approximately 335 people) is a picturesque Peeblesshire Conservation village with a range of local services including an inn and primary school. The county town of Peebles is 4 miles to the south and provides a broad range of facilities including two supermarkets, a leisure centre and swimming pool, golf course and High School.

For the outdoor enthusiasts the Scottish Borders provides an array of facilities with Cardrona Golf Course, Glentress Forest mountain bike circuit and salmon fishing on the world-renowned River Tweed all within close distance. The local area is first class walking and riding country with several riding stables in the area. . The Scottish Borders also has a rich and colourful history with castles, priories and abbeys all within close travelling distance.

The A703 runs through the village which is the main road between Peebles and Penicuik. Edinburgh is easily accessible within 20 miles with the Edinburgh City Bypass being approximately 15 miles which provides good access to the central belt of Scotland. There is a regular bus service to Peebles, Penicuik and Edinburgh. The nearest mainline train station is Edinburgh Waverley or the Borders Waverley Line at Galashiels and Gorebridge.

The settlement benefits from being part of the Scottish Borders with a high quality of life and being within easy travelling distance of Edinburgh both for commuting and to enjoy the social, leisure and entertainment facilities ScotlandÂ’s capital city can offer.

The site extends to approximately 3.34 acres (1.35 hectares) in two distinct blocks. The southern section was formerly a horticultural nursery within an adjoining wooded area which includes some mature trees. The northern section is pasture field in agricultural production.

The sale of the site provides a wonderful opportunity to build a first-class residential development in an attractive Peeblesshire conservation village within easy travelling of Edinburgh.

The planning permission in principle was awarded on 18 October 2018 for a residential development by Scottish Borders Council. The vendors and Scottish Borders Council have also concluded a Section 75 Agreement. A copy of the planning consent, approved plans and a copy of the Section 75 Agreement are available for inspection on the CD information pack. Alternatively, details can be found on the Scottish Borders Council planning portal under reference 17/00767/PPP.

It states under the reason for decision that “the applicant has demonstrated that a development of up to 15 houses can be accommodated on site but further details relating to design,

layout, landscaping, drainage, archaeological investigations and any contamination mitigation are required to be submitted for consideration at a detailed planning stage. In addition, no development can commence until the private road, which currently accesses the site, has been brought up to an adoptable standard and improvements have been carried out at the junction of Bellfield Road and the A703. Subject to a legal agreement and compliance with the Schedule of Conditions, the development accords with the relevant provisions of the Local Development Plan 2016 and there are no material considerations which would justify a departure from those provisions.”

Consent is subject to various conditions and reserved matters which include:
No development shall commence until the details of layout, siting, design and external appearance of the buildings, the means of access thereto and landscaping of the site have been submitted and approved by the planning authority.

A scheme of hard and soft landscaping works has been submitted and approved by the planning authority.

The existing private road is upgraded to adoptable standard from where the private road meets Bellfield Road adjacent to the church.

A scheme of details must be submitted and approved by the planning authority showing improvement works to the junction of the A703 and Bellfield Road.

Precise details of water supply and surface water and foul drainage have been submitted and approved by the planning authority.

Provision for additional parking within the site to compensate for the loss of existing parking provisions on Bellfield Road outside the Church.

The vendors have entered into Section 75 agreement with Scottish Borders Council, a copy of this is available in the information pack. The agreement includes contributions for affordable housing, play facilities, education and lifelong learning.

Within the southern section there is a wooded area which includes mature trees and an area of scrub. This area is seen as important not only for the development but for the village as a whole. The indicative layout of the site shows development in part of this area. Further details of the indicative layout are available in the CD information. It is a planning condition that no trees or hedges shall be felled, removed, topped, lifted or disturbed without prior consent of the planning authority.

Interested parties will need to make their own enquiries with the relevant bodies concerning services.

The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way where public or private in any existing or proposed wayleaves, easements, servitude rights, restrictions or burdens of whatever kind. The purchaser will have to have satisfied themselves on all such matters.

A CD information pack will be available for genuine perspective purchasers including further detailed information.

Whilst we use our best endeavours to make our sale details accurate and reliable please contact us if there any points you wish to clarify. We will be pleased to check the information for you particularly if you are contemplating travelling distance to view the property. These particulars were prepared in April 2019.

The property is offered for sale as a whole with vacant possession by private treaty. A closing date for offers may be fixed and all interested parties are advised to register their interest with the selling agent. The seller shall not be bound to accept the highest or indeed any offer.

Offers should be submitted in Scottish Legal form to the selling agents.

Strictly by prior appointment through the sole selling agents, Edwin Thompson LLP, Chartered Surveyors.

1. Scottish Borders Council, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells, Melrose, TD6 0SA.

2. Scottish Power, Cathcart Business Park, Spean Street, Glasgow, G44 4BE.

3. Scottish Water, Castle House, 6 Castle Drive, Carnegie Campus, Dunfermline, KY11 8GG.

4. SEPA, Burnbrae, Mossilee Road, Galashiels, TD1 1NF.

Edwin Thompson for themselves and for the Vendors of this property whose Agents they are give notice that:

1) The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, any offer or contract.

2) All descriptions, plans, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details, are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchaser should not rely upon them as statements or representations of fact but must firstly satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them.

3) Nothing in these particulars is to be regarded as a statement that the subject of sale is in good structural, agricultural or horticultural condition, nor should any statement be taken as a warranty of fitness for any purpose or use, including existing use; nor is any warranty to be implied that any services, appliances, equipment, installations or facilities on the subject for sale are in good working order. Prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the condition of all such matters.
4) Descriptions of the property are subjective and are published as opinions and not statements of fact. They are not intended to be binding on Edwin Thompson or the Vendors.
5) No person in the employment of Edwin Thompson has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property or these particulars, nor to enter into any contract relating to this property or these particulars, nor to enter into any contract relating to this property on behalf of the Agents, nor into any contract on behalf of the Vendors.
6) No responsibility can be accepted for loss or expense incurred in viewing or in the event of any property being sold or withdrawn.
7) The property is sold with all faults and defects whether of condition or otherwise and neither the Vendors nor Edwin Thompson will be held responsible for such faults and defects.
8) The Purchasers shall be deemed to acknowledge that they have not entered into an agreement to purchase in reliance on any statement contained in these particulars, that they have satisfied themselves as to the content of each such statement by inspection, enquiry or otherwise and that no warranty or representation has been made by the Vendors or Edwin Thompson in respect of the subject of sale.
9) Any error, omission or mis-statement in these particulars or any correspondence relating thereto shall not entitle the Purchasers to rescind or to be discharged from any Agreement to Purchase nor shall it entitle either party to compensation or damages, nor give either party any cause for civil action.

Property Ref:260_2523_4755950

Marketed by: Edwin Thompson, Galashiels

Land Registry Data

  • No historical data found.
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