Land for sale
Morville, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4RJ
Guide Price
Residential Tags: N/A
Property Tags: Development Potential, Section 106
Land Tags: Building Plot
Summary Details
- First Marketed: Apr 2021
- Removed: Date Not Available
- Residential Tags: N/A
- Property Tags: Development Potential, Section 106
- Land Tags: Building Plot
1.53 acre development site with Outline Planning Consent for up to 14 dwellings.
The site adjoins the eastern side of Morville's Conservation Area and enjoys pleasant views over undulating farmland. The site slopes down towards a brook. The school, pub and village hall are all within easy walking distance. There is also a regular bus service between Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth.
Mains water and three phase electricity are currently connected at the site. A mains sewer is approximately 65 metres away from the site. Superfast broadband is planned for Morville in the future. The selling Agents have plans showing the water and sewer pipes.
Outline planning consent for demolition of existing farm buildings and construction of up to a maximum of 14 dwellings to include access was granted by Shropshire Council on the 27th November 2014.
Approval of reserved matters must be before expiry of 3 years from the approval date. The consent and conditions are available on the following website : http:/
The plan attached with these particulars shows an indicative layout. The layout has not been approved.
The Agreement requires the developer (purchaser) to make a payment of £4,000 to Shropshire Council towards Highways Improvements. It also triggers the need for affordable housing to be provided in accordance with Shropshire Council's Policy at the time when reserved matters are approved. The Agreement can be viewed at http:/
The buyer will be responsible for erecting a new boundary fence between points B, C, D and E comprising a post and four rail timber fence with the top rail at 1.4m above ground level to include a gateway at point B. The purchaser shall own the boundary. The buyer will be deemed to have full knowledge of the boundaries. Neither the vendor or agent will be responsible for defining boundary ownership.
Additional land (extending to circa 2.1 acres/ 0.85 ha) shown edged blue may be available in addition to the guide price.
Two third parties each have a vehicular right of access (12 feet in width) for agricultural purposes only as indicated shaded green and being approximately between points A and B on the sale plan.
The approved vehicular access is off Haughton Lane.
The property will be sold subject to any wayleaves, public or private rights of way, easements and covenants whether mentioned in these sales particulars or not.
The sale is subject to;
1. The purchaser fully complying with all of the planning conditions and the Section 106 Agreement including payment of Community Infrastructure Levy and Affordable Housing Contributions and requirements. Please Note: The presence of two large farm buildings reduces the CIL by over £100,000 subject to the developer meeting the Councils criteria.
2. The purchaser installing and completing the internal road to an adoptable standard finishing at the boundary between points B and C. The seller reserves the right to use it for all purposes in the event dwellings can be built on the area edged blue.
3. Purchasers shall make their own investigations into ground conditions and the ability to connect to mains services.
4. The purchaser ensuring connections for water, sewerage and gas (if applicable) are of sufficient size to allow for further housing to be connected in the future.
5. The Vendor agrees not to erect farm buildings in the area edged blue.
6. The Vendor will dismantle and remove the existing farm buildings within 2 months after sale completion, leaving the concrete floors in situ.
By appointment with Halls, Halls Holdings House, Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury SY4 3DR. Tel: 01743 450700. Haughton Lane is circa 100m south of the public house in Morville.
Shropshire Council 0345 678 9000
Severn Trent Water 0845 601 6616
Western Power Distribution 0800 328 1111
Halls Holdings Ltd and any joint agents for themselves, and for the Vendor of the property whose Agents they are, give notice that: (i) These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract (ii) No person in the employment of or any agent of or consultant to Halls Holdings has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property (iii) Measurements, areas and distances are approximate, Floor plans and photographs are for guidance purposes only (photographs are taken with a wide angled / zoom lenses) and dimensions shapes and precise locations may differ (iv) It must not be assumed that the property has all the required planning or building regulation consents. Halls Holdings Ltd, Halls Holdings House, Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 3DR. Registered in England 06597073.
Marketed by: Halls, Shrewsbury
Land Registry Data
- No historical data found.