Land for sale

Owslebury, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1LT

Guide Price


  • First Marketed: Nov 2021
  • Removed: Aug 2022
  • 0.47 acres

Residential Tags: N/A

Property Tags: Equestrian, Smallholding

Land Tags: Pasture Land

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  • First Marketed: Nov 2021
  • Removed: Aug 2022
  • Residential Tags: N/A
  • Property Tags: Equestrian, Smallholding
  • Land Tags: Pasture Land
VIEWING INSTRUCTIONS: Access into this secure site is only by Prior Appointment. There will be opportunities to view when the gates will be unlocked. Please contact the Selling Agent to make an appointment. It is essential to read these Sales Particulars and view the drone video footage available at the website prior to arranging a viewing appointment.

HEALTH AND SAFETY: The Property is in use as an agricultural contractors yard. Visiting parties enter the Property at their own risk.

VIDEO DRONE FOOTAGE: See the website and further details, photographs and drone video footage is available showing the whole Property.

LOCATION: See Location Plan. The Property is located in the village of Owslebury in the South Downs National Park and is positioned between Whites Hill to the north and Whaddon Lane to the east. Despite its setting in a small rural village, it is conveniently located with Winchester lying only 4 miles to the north-west with the M3 motorway and A31 dual carriageway also being within easy reach. What3Words:///mimes.passport.genius.

DIRECTIONS: From Bishop's Waltham head west on the B2177 towards Fishers Pond. After approx. 2 miles take the right hand turning signed 'Owslebury' and 'The Ship Inn' along Hurst Lane. The Property is on the left hand side as you enter Owslebury and immediately opposite 'The Ship Inn' off Whites Hill.

DESCRIPTION: See Site Plan. The Property is functional smallholding extending in all to 6.61 acres (2.68 hectares) as outlined red on the Site Plan and currently in use as an agricultural contractors yard with agricultural, horticultural and equestrian elements. It is complete with a building, glasshouses, pasture land being screened from surrounding roads and properties by well established hedges with potential to be further developed for other alternative uses subject to planning where necessary.

Lot 1

Agricultural Building, Greenhouses and 0.78 acres Pasture Land

1.49 acres

Price Guide: £350,000

Lot 2

Agricultural Contractors Yard

0.47 acres

Price Guide: £100,000

Lot 3

Pasture Land

2.38 acres

Price Guide: £150,000

Lot 4

Pasture Land

2.38 acres

Price Guide: £150,000

The Whole

6.72 acres

Price Guide: £750,000

Building 1

Dimensions (approximate) - 42m (138ft) by 16m (53ft) 672m2 (7,233ft2)

Description - Steel portal framed barn roofed and clad with corrugated steel. Sliding corrugated iron doors on north-western elevation . Part reinforced concrete floor, part scalpings.

Building 2

Dimensions (approximate) - 15m (49ft) by 11m (36ft)

Description - 165m2 (1,776ft2) Timber framed glass-house. Earth floor.

Building 3

Dimensions (approximate) - 19m (62ft) by 6m (20ft)

Description - 114m2 (1,240ft2) Timber framed glass-house. Earth floor.

Building 4

Dimensions (approximate) - 19m (62ft) by 6m (20ft)

Description - 114m2 (1,240ft2) Timber framed glass-house. Earth floor.

Building 5

Dimensions (approximate) - 12m (39ft) by 6m (20ft)

Description - 72m2 (780ft2) Timber framed glass-house. Earth floor.

The building, glasshouses, yard and access comprise approximately 1.19 acres (0.48 Ha) as shaded blue on the Site Plan with the remaining 5.53 acres (2.24 Ha) pasture land. The whole Property is contained within Land Registry Title HP433808 (See Selling Agent's website).

THE BUILDINGS (Lot 1): There is one agricultural barn and four glass-houses in horticultural use. The buildings extend to a total of 12,269ft² (1,137m²) - subject to survey. Please refer to the Buildings Plan with brief descriptions set out below.

THE LAND: The pasture land extends to 4.85 acres (1.96 Ha). The Agricultural Land Classification Map indicates Grade 3 and the Geological Survey Map indicates shallow lime-rich soils over chalk and limestone. The boundaries comprise of mature hedges on top of steep banks with fencing along some sections. The Property borders both Whaddon Lane and Whites Hill as shown on the Site Plan but is well-sheltered from the roads by the mature hedging. The land gently slopes down to the south and lies approx. 110m/361ft above sea level.

CONTRACTORS YARD: (Lot 2) There is an area of hardstanding extending in all to approx. 0.47 acres (64,909ft²) currently used as an agricultural contractors yard.

PLANNING: The Property lies outside Owslebury Settlement Boundary and within the South Downs National Park where Parkwide policies and restrictions apply. For more information see South Downs Local Plan.


Agricultural Contractors Yard: The areas coloured blue on the Buildings Plan currently in use in connection with an Agricultural Contractor's business.

Agricultural Building: This was erected before Prior Approval Policy. This was confirmed by the Local Authority in 2005.

Greenhouses: The greenhouses were erected in January 2000.

Access: By letter from the Local Authority the access serving the Property off Whites Hill has been accepted as established and legitimate.

Residential Development: There has been interest to pursue residential development on the site since at least 1961.

SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK: South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9DH. Tel: . Email: .

LOCAL PLANNING AUTHORITY: Winchester City Council, City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester SO23 9LJ. Tel: . http:// EASEMENTS AND WAYLEAVES: Restrictive Covenants imposed by Deed of Transfer dated 23rd August 1991 (affecting the whole Property. See Selling Agent's website for copy):

i) "Not to use the property for any purpose except agricultural or residential purposes or for the purposes of horticulture or forestry (specifically to include the growing of large ornamental trees for sale) or for equestrian use.

ii) Not to erect any structures on the property except two agricultural buildings not exceeding 8,000 square feet in total floor area (one or both of which may be a greenhouse) or alternatively residential dwellinghouses with garages or a village shop provided there are two residential dwellings built thereon. (There can be more than 2 dwellings).

iii) Not to permit any boats, caravans or mobile homes to be kept on the property not to store vehicles, machinery, equipment or materials on the property (except in the buildings mentioned

(ii) above).

(iv) To keep the property in an neat and tidy condition and to maintain the same in accordance with the rules of good estate management and good husbandry as defined in Section 10 and 11 respectively of Part II of the Agricultural Act 1947.

v) To erect forthwith (after harvest) and in any even within two months a gate five metres wide at the point marked "ACCESS" on the said plan (See Transfer Plan) and in accordance with the planning an highway authority permissions". (This access is the existing access off Whites Hill).

WAYLEAVES: 11kv overhead electricity lines cross the southern half of the Property.

SERVICES: Mains water and electricity connected (Lot 1 and water Lot 3). Mains gas, sewer pipes and telephone are available in village nearby. If the Property is split individually then Lots will benefit from the right to lay services through adjoining Lots where necessary.

SHARED ACCESS: If the Property is split into individual Lots then the existing access off Whites Hill will be shared as identified by the hatched area on the Site Plan. The yellow section will be owned by Lot 1. The purple section will be owned by Lot 4.

PUBLIC FOOTPATH AND PRIVATE RIGHTS OF WAY: No public rights of way cross the site. A neighbouring property to the west benefits from a right of way for agricultural purposes - along the track inside the northern boundary (Lot 1) by Deed of Transfer dated 23rd August 1991 identified between X and Y on the Site Plan. This has not been exercised for many years. (See Selling Agent's website). A Public Bridleway is positioned along the along the track immediately adjacent to the northeast boundary, off Whites Hill. (See Site Plan).

ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGNATIONS: No significant environmental designations affect the Property.

COUNCIL TAX: Not demanded. No current residential use. BUSINESS RATES: Not currently payable.

Marketed by: Giles Wheeler-Bennett, Southampton

Land Registry Data

  • No historical data found.
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