Worlds End Paddock and Stables

Hambledon, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 4QU

Guide Price


  • First Marketed: Jul 2022
  • Removed: Aug 2022
  • 1.31 acres

Residential Tags: Private Water Supply

Property Tags: Equestrian

Land Tags: Paddock, Pasture Land, Permanent Pasture, Woodland

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  • First Marketed: Jul 2022
  • Removed: Aug 2022
  • Residential Tags: Private Water Supply
  • Property Tags: Equestrian
  • Land Tags: Paddock, Pasture Land, Permanent Pasture, Woodland
DESCRIPTION: Worlds End Paddock and Stables comprises 1.31 acres (0.53 ha) which has the benefit of frontage onto the public highway of about 130 metres and a maximum depth of about 160 metres. The paddock is regularly shaped and directly adjoins existing residential property on its north-eastern and south-western boundaries. The land lies about 40 metres above sea level and rises gently to the west and rear of the property.

The double secure steel access gates lead into a made up hardstanding and concrete yard area with internal gating giving access into the paddocks and also the existing timber framed and clad single pitch roof stable. There is internal gating and post and rail fencing and boundary fencing against the adjoining residential property and woodland and rough pasture to the rear.

The grassland is productive permanent grass land used for the production of hay/silage and also has been grazed by livestock and horses but is equally suitable for a wide range of other uses and recreation and hobby activities. The existing stable structure could be repaired or replaced and/or supplemented by the provision of a mobile field shelter on wheels or skids without the need for planning permission.

The land on the rear boundary includes a range of mature native trees with thick undergrowth providing an attractive wildlife and amenity backdrop. The soil is described by Soilscape as being Soilscape 18 slowly permeable base-rich loamy and clayey soils and the land is classified as Grade 4 agricultural land. The land lies within the Winchester City Council Planning District. The land lies outside of the South Downs National Park. There are no public rights of way over any part of the property.

Walking and riding is excellent in the area with access through Forestry Authority/Commission Creech Woods to the south-east and West Walk and Hundred Acres to the west using the comprehensive network of rural bridleways and public footpaths locally which offer good outriding for equestrian users further into the surrounding woodland areas. There are two pubs locally - The Chairmakers and Horse and Jockey each within 5-10 minutes walking.

DIRECTIONS: See Location Plan. From the centre of Hambledon Village travel south towards Denmead and then bear right towards and signed Worlds End after about 0.5 mile south of the village. Proceed down Ervills Road passed Great Ervills Farm on your right and the land will be found after about 600 metres on the right hand side. There are substantial secure steel gates giving access to the property and these are at Grid Reference SU and What3Words: ///bottle.moon.swimsuits

When viewing the property you should be able to drive in off the road and safely exit in a forward gear.

TENURE AND POSSESSION: Freehold Interest For Sale by Private Treaty with Vacant Possession on completion. The land is registered with the HM Land Registry under Title No. HP646725.

SERVICES: The land is served by a private water supply with stopcock and meter and electricity is available in the highway.

VIEWING: The land can be inspected with access in off the road during the final viewing slot which is Wednesday 27th July at 6pm. Please ring Ian Judd & Partners to advise if you are likely to be attending to inspect the property on this date.

CONTACT: Tim Gardner at Ian Judd and Partners LLP

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ian Judd and Partners LLP and their Clients give notice that:

1. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact.

2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Ian Judd and Partners have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise.

3. The reference to any mechanical or electrical equipment or other facilities at the property shall not constitute a representation (unless otherwise stated) as to its state or condition or that it is capable of fulfilling its intended function and prospective purchasers/tenants should satisfy themselves as to the fitness of such equipment for their requirements. We have not made any investigations into the existence or otherwise of any issues concerning pollution of land, air or water contamination and the purchaser is responsible for making his own enquiries in this regard.

4. Tax may be payable in addition to the purchase price of any property according to law. Ian Judd and Partners is a Limited Liability Partnership.

July 2022

Marketed by: Ian Judd & Partners, Bishops Waltham

Land Registry Data

  • No historical data found.
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