Land for sale
Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2YU
Guide Price
Residential Tags: N/A
Property Tags: N/A
Land Tags: Overage / Clawback, Paddock
Summary Details
- First Marketed: Oct 2020
- Removed: Date Not Available
- Residential Tags: N/A
- Property Tags: N/A
- Land Tags: Overage / Clawback, Paddock
The land is ideally located for a variety of amenity uses and lies close to the Kirkhill housing estate. Paddock land is frequently bought by those looking to graze animals but there are no restrictions of use (subject to normal planning restrictions). In total this appealing piece of real estate extends to about 7.82 acres (3.16 Ha) of amenity land to include the former agricultural building at the northern end.
Planning permission (19/04659/FUL) was granted on 12 June 2020 for a new field gate access into the site from High House Lane. Further information can be provided by Galbraith if required.
No entitlements for Single Payment Scheme are included within the sale
Wayleaves, Rights of Way and Easements
The sale is subject of all rights of support, public and private rights of way, water, light, drainage and other easements, quasi easements and wayleaves, all other like rights, whether mentioned in these particulars or not.
The barn and paddock land is offered freehold with vacant possession upon completion of legal contracts.
A charge exists in favour of a previous owner relating to residential development within the
boundaries of this site. If consent is granted for residential development in the future, then one third of the consequential uplift in value will be due to that same previous owner. The existing owner will also require one third of the increase in value as a consequence of any residential development consent.
Whilst the land has longer term residential potential it is currently marketed at an appropriate price for amenity use. These overage provisions still allow any successful purchaser one third of the land value uplift with the benefit of planning permission.
Marketed by: Galbraith, Hexham
Planning permission (19/04659/FUL) was granted on 12 June 2020 for a new field gate access into the site from High House Lane. Further information can be provided by Galbraith if required.
No entitlements for Single Payment Scheme are included within the sale
Wayleaves, Rights of Way and Easements
The sale is subject of all rights of support, public and private rights of way, water, light, drainage and other easements, quasi easements and wayleaves, all other like rights, whether mentioned in these particulars or not.
The barn and paddock land is offered freehold with vacant possession upon completion of legal contracts.
A charge exists in favour of a previous owner relating to residential development within the
boundaries of this site. If consent is granted for residential development in the future, then one third of the consequential uplift in value will be due to that same previous owner. The existing owner will also require one third of the increase in value as a consequence of any residential development consent.
Whilst the land has longer term residential potential it is currently marketed at an appropriate price for amenity use. These overage provisions still allow any successful purchaser one third of the land value uplift with the benefit of planning permission.
Marketed by: Galbraith, Hexham
Land Registry Data
- No historical data found.