Land for sale
Cheswardine, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2RS
Guide Price
Residential Tags: N/A
Property Tags: Development Potential, Section 106, Traditional Buildings
Land Tags: Building Plot
Summary Details
- First Marketed: Apr 2021
- Removed: Date Not Available
- Residential Tags: N/A
- Property Tags: Development Potential, Section 106, Traditional Buildings
- Land Tags: Building Plot
Exciting Residential Development Site. Planning permission for 18 new build dwellings plus traditional range for conversion to residential dwellings.
The site is located at the centre of the rural village of Cheswardine and benefits from direct access off Cheswardine High Street. It lies within the Cheswardine Conservation Area.
The village itself hosts an array of facilities, including a primary school, village shop, church, village hall and two public houses. There is also a regular bus service to the local market town of Market Drayton and the site is just a short distance from main transport networks including the A53, A41 and M6.
Outline planning permission for the construction of 18 dwellings was originally granted in 2009. The Reserved Matters were approved in 2013. The extant application was renewed in 2014 and several conditions were discharged in 2015.
The planning permission provides for the construction of 10 open market dwellings and 8 affordable dwellings. This was secured by a Section 106 Agreement.
The planning permission was activated by carrying out the construction of the foundations of the roadside units under a building regulations application (Ref: 15/00234/DOMFP).
Planning permission for change of use of the traditional buildings to 6 dwellings was obtained in 2008 and permission was renewed in 2014.
We understand that all mains services are available at the site or nearby, including electricity, gas, water and drainage.
Please see below the planning applications submitted in relation to the site.
NS/08/02108/OUT - Outline application for residential development including formation of a new access - Granted 13th March 2009.
12/01014/REM- Application for approval of reserved matters attached to outline permission ref: 08/02108/OUT dated 13th March 2009 for residential development to include appearance, landscaping, layout and scale- Granted 5th February 2013.
12/00794/OUT- Renewal of extant planning permission NS/08/02108/OUT dated 13th March 2009 for residential development including formation of a new access- Granted 7th February 2014.
14/05720/DIS- Discharge of conditions 8 (affordable housing), 9 (parking and storage details), 14 (standard of highway and access details) and 16 (Open Space) relating to NS/08/02108/OUT and conditions 2 (external materials) and 5 (parking) relating to 12/01014/REM for residential development including formation of a new access road. Application for approval of reserved matters attached to outline consent ref:08/02108/OUT dated 13 March 2009 for residential development to include appearance, landscaping, layout and scale 12/01014/REM- Granted 21st May 2015.
NS/08/00714/FUL -Change of use of traditional agricultural outbuildings to form 6 dwellings and improvement of existing access- Granted 10th June 2008.
11/02594/FUL- Renewal of extant planning permission 08/00714 for change of use of traditional agricultural outbuildings to form 6 dwellings and improvement of existing access- Granted 7th February 2014.
The Agents believe there is an opportunity to improve the existing consents. A successful re-application for permission for the 18 new build dwellings would result in a reduced affordable housing liability as the rate has changed since the original application was determined.
A re-application for permission to convert the traditional buildings on the basis of 5 dwellings rather than the 6 originally applied for would remove the affordable housing requirement and reduce, if not remove the Community Infrastructure Levy.
It will be the purchaser's responsibility to remove from the site all farm buildings which conflict with the proposed development. All prospective purchasers must make their own inspections to satisfy themselves in respect of the materials they will have to deal with. The floor area taken up by the farm buildings to be demolished can be used to offset the Community Infrastructure Levy requirement.
Prospective purchasers are required to undertake their own investigations and fully satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the site for any use or development scheme proposed.
The purchaser shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the boundaries and neither the vendor nor their agents will be responsible for defining ownership of the boundary fences or hedges.
The property will be sold subject to any wayleaves, public or private rights of way, easements and covenants and all outgoings whether mentioned in these sale particulars or not.
All documents can be accessed via Shropshire Council's website:
http:/ and can be found by entering the application reference number.
Prospective purchasers can also request electronic or hard copies of all documents from the agents.
Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY2 6ND. Tel: 0345 678 9000
The property will be sold subject to any development plan, tree preservation order, town planning schedule, resolution or notice which may be or become to be in force, subject to any road or widening improvements scheme, land charges and statutory provision or by-laws without any obligation on the vendors to specify them.
The property is freehold and vacant possession will be given upon completion.
Strictly by appointment through the selling agents, Halls Holdings House, Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury SY3 4DR. Tel: 01743 450700.
David Giles FRICS FAAV / Louise Preece BSc (Hons) MRICS FAAV
Halls Holdings Limited, Halls Holdings House, Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 3DR.
Tel: 01743 450700
Email: or
Guide price of £750,000
Halls Holdings Ltd and any joint agents for themselves, and for the Vendor of the property whose Agents they are, give notice that: (i) These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract (ii) No person in the employment of or any agent of or consultant to Halls Holdings has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property (iii) Measurements, areas and distances are approximate, Floor plans and photographs are for guidance purposes only (photographs are taken with a wide angled / zoom lenses) and dimensions shapes and precise locations may differ (iv) It must not be assumed that the property has all the required planning or building regulation consents. Halls Holdings Ltd, Halls Holdings House, Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 3DR. Registered in England 06597073.
Marketed by: Halls, Shrewsbury
Land Registry Data
- No historical data found.